We believe in you

Unix BSD Yard: A FreeBSD and OpenBSD Community based Cloud platform

OpenBSD, FreeBSD, *BSD Community Infrastructure

Are you *BSD Open Source developer, sysadmin, tester or learner?

We support OpenBSD, and FreeBSD open source Unix Operating System projects by providing a cloud platform for developing and testing resources.

BSD Yard Cloud platform makes it easier to create and manage virtual machines, storage resource, and bandwidth capacity at our UK based Data Center in London, Istanbul, and Cairo, other Data Center locations will be added over time worldwide.

You can join and use BSD Yard Cloud platform to create and manage virtual machine hosting resources, it is free for the life time of the project.

BSD Yard Cloud platform is available by invitations or upon request to developers, sysadmins and open source foundations. If you would like to have an access to the cloud platform, please contact us with a brief about the project and link to the project web site.

Frankly speaking, BSD Yard is a community  based  Cloud Platform to create FreeBSD and other BSD variations virtual machine or servers for your own projects.


We’ll be more than happy to talk things through with you. Please contact our support team to receive your invitation.

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